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Hunger Mission Collection In Your Church

Collect your spare change, encourage a Nickel-A-Meal Hunger Offering or hold a food drive, raise hunger awareness in your congregation, Sunday school class or with your Presbyterian Women or Presbyterian Men. Our neighbors need our help! The funds collected are used for Hunger grants (direct food relief) for PEVA churches to serve their communities and those local organizations that have relationships and partner with PEVA churches. These grants are available thanks to donors, churches, and temporary restricted PEVA funds and do not come from the presbytery’s budget. They come from you, from the churches in this presbytery temporary restricted PEVA funds. If you are not giving to this critical ministry to address hunger and its causes, both for the neighbor close at hand and for the neighbor further away, please make a plan to do so!

NAM emphasizes daily participation by each member of the household. The idea is to build a consciousness among participants that all of us are responsible for helping to end hunger and that NAM will become part of our daily walk with God. It doesn't take away from other mission but works best when a lot of people give very small amounts of money. Asking members of all ages to contribute a few cents at every meal may not look like very much, but do the math.

100% Participation Is the Goal & Needed!  

We would like 100% participation in our presbytery! If every member in our presbytery gave just 5 cents in a special bank for each meal he/she eats. This amounts to $54.75 per person per year. What if every PEVA member participated (11,416) that's a lot of spare change! ($625,026.00) Over time our spare change adds up and makes a substantial donation that can be used to alleviate hunger and provide direct hunger relief in Hampton Roads.

The Food Bank serves 1 in 4 people in our local community and that number isn't getting smaller. NAM grants help PEVA churches and local organizations fill the gap. NAM helps to feed those who are hungry in our communities. 

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